“The Queen of Jewels” “Drop of the Moon” “Tears of the Mermaid” … The color and form of the pearl, I have praised the mysterious and noble beauty from long ago and have gotten a lot of beautiful names. In addition, pearls are the only gems born and raised in living creatures, It is not an overstatement to say that it is a symbol of the life force of mother shell that survives in a harsh environment. By wearing such a pearl as a rare gift from the ocean I can express strength as human beings. And by designing pearl accessories, More people are more free, fun, sexy, just yourself a pearl I wonder if we can help you to wear yourself. Such a feeling is the roots of our design, an eternal theme.

PEARL FAR EAST INC. CEO and designer as representative director


8月 2020

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9月のPFE SHOP@TOKYO オープンデーは9月10日から13日までの4日間となります。 営業時間は11AM-20PMで、最終御来店受付は19PMとなりますのでご注意ください。 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のため、ご来店前にご連絡をいただけますと、密を避けごゆっくりご覧いただけると思いますので、ご協力御願い致します。